Ordering & Timescale

Placing an Order

Our experienced advisors can guide you through every step of the process, from choosing a memorial, to gaining permission from the cemetery or crematorium and deciding on an inscription.

At a Glance

In Detail

Step 1

Speak with one of our advisors about your chosen design and inscription text. If you are unsure then we can help you through the decision process either over the phone, by email or by arranging a home visit. Some cemeteries and churchyards have restrictions on the size and materials they will allow so we will be able to check this before going any further.

Step 2

When you are completely happy with your choice of memorial and inscription, we will confirm the price and ask for a 20% deposit*. This is payable by debit or credit card, bank transfer or personal cheque if preferred.

Step 3

Once we have received an approved permit from the cemetery/crematorium, we will ask you for a further payment towards your memorial plus the permit fee. Once these have been paid, we can begin the process of manufacturing, lettering and fixing of your memorial stone. If you have chosen to order a photo plaque then we will ask you to send a good quality photo to us by email or post. See our FAQ section for more detailed information about this.

Note: obtaining a permit takes on average 2-3 weeks from your deposit payment but can take longer depending on the cemetery. Unfortunately we have little control over this but will chase them on your behalf.

Payment Terms

First Instalment

20% Deposit* when you place an order (as mentioned above).

Second Instalment

75% of balance plus burial ground fee. The burial ground fee is only payable once we receive an approved permit from the cemetery or church authority.

Final Payment

The remaining balance is payable on completion. In other words you only pay this portion once your memorial has been fixed in the cemetery.

*exceptions apply


When can a memorial be erected on a grave?

A headstone can usually be erected on a grave six months after the last interment has taken place, as the ground requires time to settle. If cremated remains are interred in a grave, a headstone may be fixed immediately, as the ground requires no settling period.

How long will my order take?

We estimate that orders for our standard designs will take approximately 4-5 months to manufacture & deliver.

This estimate begins from the date we have received both the cemetery or church permit and your second instalment rather than from the date you place your order. The process of obtaining a permit is carried out by us on your behalf and is generally straightforward. If you are having a more unusual style or size of memorial it can take longer to clarify the details with the cemetery and obtain permission which will affect the final delivery/fixing date.

We always endeavour to complete your order as quickly as possible but there are some factors over which have no control, such as shipping and council response times. This means that some orders will take less than 4 or 5 months but others may take more. We will always keep you informed about the progress of your order.

If your order is for a non-standard memorial, it is very likely that the manufacturing & delivery time will be greater than 4-6 months.